Hi Stefan,
Thanks for this detailed information. That's all I've been asking for.
I think that other users of EASE Address, would appreciate if, as you said ''discuss better ways of displaying imp ... |
Hi Bruce,
If I understood correctly I should do reverse calculation for every other speaker except, mentioned AFMG Ceiling LSPK, to see what coverage angle is used in calculations.
Then, I don't se ... |
>Are you referring to the ‘book’ equations? I believe I showed what those were calculating. They will result in a rather large peak in the center of the four speakers.
I will repeat: Yo ... |
Hi Greg,
The picture from Ease Address (with input data the same as in my post: Bosch speaker, room: 13x6x3m, layout pattern: minimum overlap) show that layout pattern of the coverage circle in the l ... |
Hi Greg,
Thanks for reply,
Correct formula for the number of speakers is:
N=x*y/S^2 = x*y/((sqrt(2)*(h-l)*tan(coverage angle/2))^2
And finally:
N=x*y/(2((h-l)*tan(coverage angle/2))^2)
... |
Believed or not I didn’t expected that it would be so difficult to get an information on AFMG forum. Replies I received were not helpful at all.
Also I didn’t receive equations (used in Ease Addre ... |
Thank you for reply, but the same problem with coverage angle appear with speakers from other manufactures (Electro Voice, Tannoy etc.).
Also you didn't answer second part of my question about for ... |
Thanks for your reply. Hope that finally I'll get an answer.
P.S. Because the Ease Address is not licensed software (it's a freeware) I did not receive an email and phone support.
Expectin ... |
Dear sir,
Question I posted on Thursday 31 June was about formulas in freeware software Ease Address. Does the fact that software is free, mean that the users have to wait, be patient and hope to get ... |
Dear Sir,
I work as a design engineer for telecommunication installation in buildings, hotels etc.
For a long period of time I am trying to figure out how to mathematically determine ceiling speaker ... |
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